Course Description
Companies attempting to drive growth in commercial card payments identify the "low-hanging fruit" by targeting the high volume of small dollar transactions. What happens next once you have stream-lined your processes and eliminated requisitions for small purchases? Do you simply repeat the process over again looking for more small- dollar transactions?
Companies successfully driving growth to their card programs are looking at opportunities for card usage differently. Card transactions are no longer a matter of size but targeting low "risk" transactions; driving transactions to the right purchase "channels" and coordinating efforts between purchasing and accounts payable. Leveraging a new approach to evaluating your card program can deliver the growth and ultimate rebate for your company.
After this session, you will be able to:
- recognize that low risk transactions belong on card regardless of transaction dollar amount.
- target purchase channels, such as catalogs which are appropriate for card usage.
- coordinate purchasing and accounts payable efforts to promote card payments.
MUFG Union Bank, N.A.
Ramona Hall
Course curriculum
Webinar Replay - TTW Nov. 2017 - Card Opportunities: A Matter of Risk vs. Transaction Size - PowerPoint
Commarcial Card - Risk vs Transaction Size 11.8.17 (1)
Webinar Replay - TTW Nov. 2017 - Card Opportunities: A Matter of Risk vs. Transaction Size
2017-11-16 14.03 TTW November 2017 - Card Opportunities_ A Matter of Risk vs. Transaction Size